ISO14001 environmental treeHow can I integrate ISO 45001 into my existing management system?

ISO 45001 shares a high-level structure (HLS), identical core text and terms and definitions with other recently revised ISO management system standards such as ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.

This framework is designed to facilitate the integration of new management topics into an organisation's established management systems.

In addition, ISO 45001 was designed to follow ISO 14001 fairly closely, as it is recognised that many organisations combine their OH&S and environmental management functions internally. This will simplify the integration of ISO 45001, particularly for those who are familiar with ISO 14001.

How do I get Certification?

Certification to ISO 45001 is not a requirement of the standard but can be a useful tool to demonstrate that you meet its criteria. If you are already certified to OHSAS 18001, and while it is a very different standard, you will already have some of the necessary tools and systems in place to implement ISO 45001.

ISO45001 safety helmet 1

How do I get started?

If you are considering implementing ISO 45001, here are a few tips to get you started:

1. Perform an analysis of your organisation's context that is relevant to OH&S (such as interested parties) as well as the internal and external factors that might impact your business.

2. Establish the scope of the system, considering what you would like your management system to achieve.

3. Set your OH&S policy and objectives.

4. Define the time frame in which you wish to implement your system and plan how to achieve it.

5. Determine any competence and/or resource gaps that need addressing before you can implement the standard.

Help for all these steps can be found in our ISO 45001 Training Modules, which guide you 'step-by-step' along the path of ISO 45001 implementation success.